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about me...

I was born in Worthington, Ohio, and graduated from Ohio State University with a BFA in painting, graphics, and drawing. I have worked as an art therapist,  graphic designer, art director, associate creative director, and creative director. My husband Jim, our daughter Mary, and I moved from Ohio to Chicago, Florida, California, Northern Virginia, and back to Ohio. Each time we moved, I would find design work and eventually find my way back to painting. While visiting galleries and museums in California, I was repeatedly drawn to the expressive painterly style of monotype and monoprint.  Though I had worked in painting and printmaking, I had no idea what or how these works were created. I met fiber artist/printmaker Janet Lipkin who was showing monotypes at her open studio in Berkeley, California.  Janet suggested that I join her monotype classes. I did, and I stayed for several years. I like to explore themes of water, swimming, figures, opera, abstracts, portraits, and nature. A few years ago, I began making non-traditional scrolls from my prints and taught a Tiger Lily Press workshop. I have exhibited my work in many California and DC area shows and belong to Tiger Lily Press. 

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